Contract for the sale of packages of tourist services

Marketing of travel packages
No... your...

Contracting Parties

The company Wens Tour SRL with its registered office in Bistrita, Central Street no. 34, Jud. Bistrita Nasaud, tel. 0264590748/0264590749, fax 0264595755, registration number J06/856/2008, tax registration code RO9219790, bank account RO92RZBR0000060018019882, opened at Raiffeisen Bank, holder of tourism license 1558 for the agency: Wens Tour, Cluj Napoca, p. Clinicilor, no. 39, represented by CALUSER MIHAELA, as Administrator, hereinafter referred to as AGENTIA
The traveler/representative of the traveler, sir/madam, domiciled/domiciled in, telephone, owner/possessor of the bullet/identity card series, no., issued/issued from the date of,
They agreed to conclude this contract.

1. Subject of the contract
The subject of the contract is the sale by the Agency of the package of tourist services inscribed in voucher, rest ticket, treatment, excursion ticket, other entry attached to this contract and the issuance of payment and travel documents.
• The package of services is organized and sold on its own by the agency WENS TOUR as the organizing agency;
• The package of services is sold by the agency WENS TOUR as an intermediary agency, on account of the organizing agency __________________________________ Company with its registered office in _______________________________________________________, tel. ____________________, e-mail _______________________________, WHO _________________, J__/_________/____________, holder of the tourism license ________________, insurance policy issued by __________________________________series __________ no _______________ on reimbursement of repatriation expenses and/ or the amount paid by tourists.

2. Conclusion of the contract
2.1. The contract shall be terminated, as the case may be, in any of the following situations:
a) at the time of signing it by the traveler or by accepting the contractual conditions of tourist services, including those purchased remotely by electronic means;
b) at the time of issuing travel documents (voucher, ticket for rest and/or treatment, excursion ticket, etc.), including in electronic form, if the packages of tourist services are part of the standard offer of the travel agency or there is already confirmation of reservation from other providers.
2.2. The contract shall include the special requirements of the traveller which the Agency has accepted.
2.3. If this contract is fully made available to the traveler in the form of a catalog, leaflet, other documents, the Agency's website or other means of electronic communication (e-mail, fax, etc.), the obligation to inform the traveler is considered fulfilled by entering this information in any of the travel documents or tax documents provided by the Agency, not being necessary the conclusion in writing of the contract for the sale of packages of tourist services, respectively, if this contract presented to the traveler in the methods provided for above contain the clauses provided for in Article 7 of Government Ordinance no. 2/2018 on packages of travel services and associated travel services, as well as for the amendment of some normative acts
2.4. The contract is legally terminated upon completion of the actual provision of the package of tourist services entered in the travel documents.

3. Contract price and payment methods
3.1. The price of the contract is and consists of the cost of the actual tourist services, the Agency's commission and VAT. If the price is not specified in this contract, then it is specified in other travel documents, other documents made available to the traveler, the Agency's website, other means of electronic communication and/or on the invoice.
3.2. Payment methods:
3.2.1. At the conclusion of the contract, an advance of 30% of the established price or, where applicable, full payment of the value of the package of tourist services is charged.
3.2.2. If at the conclusion of the contract an advance was charged, the final payment shall be made as follows:
a) for tourist services requiring confirmation from the providers, according to the payment terms communicated by the Agency in writing or other means of communication;
b) for tourist services that do not require confirmation from the providers, as follows: according to the payment terms communicated by the Agency in writing or other means of communication;
3.3. Payment of external tourist services related to the contract can be made in a single currency, in the currency specified in the contract or in RON at the NBR reference rate on the day the invoice is issued.

4th. Rights and obligations of the Agency
4.1. Before the passenger assumes this contract regarding the package of travel services or any corresponding offer, Wens Tour SRL provided the traveler with the standard information through the Standard Information Form, which according to the provisions of Ordinance no. 2/2018 is an integral part of this contract.
4.2. In case of modification of one of the essential provisions of the contract, such as: services included in the package, travel dates, changes in the category of accommodation, the Agency is obliged to inform the tourist at least 10 days before the start date of the trip.
4.3. The Agency may change the price of the contract in order to increase or decrease, as appropriate, showing the calculation of the increases or decreases in the price of the contract and only if the change occurs as a result of variations in transport costs, royalties and charges related to landing, disembarkation/embarkation services in ports and airports, tourist taxes or exchange rates related to the package of tourist services contracted. Prior to the commencement of the execution of the package, the Agency may not unilaterally amend the terms of the contract on the package of travel services other than those related to the price in accordance with the provisions on the price change, unless the following conditions are met cumulatively:
a) The Agency has reserved this right in the contract;
b) the change is insignificant;
c) The Agency shall inform the traveller of the change in a clear, understandable and well-defined manner, on a durable medium
4.4. In the case of the purchase of a package of tourist services consisting of and insurance of air transport, the air carrier, without asking for the consent of the travel agency that runs the tourist program, has the right to change the flight hours. Therefore, the Agency is not responsible for the take-off/landing of aircraft at a time other than that indicated in the tourist program. For such delays, the airline is obliged to assist passengers in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 laying down common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of refusal to board and cancellation or prolonged delay of flights and cancellation of flights Regulation (EEC) No 295/91, implemented by Government Decision No. 1.912/2006. Any question concerning the operation of the flight and the actions adjacent to it falls within the competence and responsibility of the carrier, the air ticket being the contract between the passenger and the carrier. In the case of these packages of tourist services, the day of departure and the day of arrival are not considered tourist days, they are intended for transportation.
4.5. In the case of purchasing a cruise product, the cruise line may, for reasons of safety of navigation, change the cabin number and its location on the decks (a lower deck, an upper deck, forward aft or bow, etc.), only with a cabin of the same category as the one originally booked, in which case the passenger will not be separated not in any way considering that this is the same type of cabin as the reserved one.
4.6. The organising travel agency shall be responsible for the proper performance of the travel services included in the contract for the package of travel services, regardless of whether these services are to be provided by it or by another travel service provider.
4.7. If, before the start of the package execution, Wens Tour SRL is forced to significantly change any of the main features of the travel services provided in the Standard Information Form, communicated to the traveler, or cannot meet the special requirements of the traveler, or proposes to increase the price of the package by more than 8%, the traveler has the possibility that, within 5 days, accept the proposed change or terminate the contract without paying any termination penalty.
The prices stipulated in the contract may under no circumstances be increased during the 20 calendar days preceding the date of departure.
4.8. The agency is obliged to provide the tourist in writing or by any electronic means of communication agreed in writing with the tourist (e-mail, fax, sms, etc.), at least 7 days before the departure date, the following information:
(a) timetables, places of stopovers and connections and, where applicable, the place to be occupied by the tourist in each of the means of transport included;
b) the name, headquarter/address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses of the local representative of the organizer and/or the retailer or, in the absence of such, an emergency call number enabling him to contact the organizer and/or the retailer;
c) pentru calatoriile minorilor neinsotiti de parinti, informatii care sa permita parintilor stabilirea unui contact direct cu copilul sau cu responsabilul de la locul cazarii copilului.
4.9 Wens Tour SRL nu are dreptul sa solicite calatorului efectuarea platii finale cu mai mult de 5 zile inainte de data la care aceasta transmite calatorului documentele de calatorie in baza carora calatorul poate efectua serviciile de calatorie achizitionate.
4.10. Calatorul are obligatia de a informa, fara intarzieri nejustificate, in cel mult 24 de ore, Wens Tour SRL in legatura cu orice neconformitate pe care o constata pe parcursul executarii serviciului de calatorie inclus in prezentul contractul, tinand cont de circumstantele cazului.
4.11. In cazul in care unul din serviciile de calatorie nu se executa in conformitate cu contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie, Wens Tour SRL, va remedia neconformitatea, cu exceptia unuia din urmatoarele cazuri:
a) neconformitatea nu poate fi remediata;
b) remedierea implica cheltuieli disproportionate, tinand cont de anvergura neconformitatii si de valoarea serviciilor de calatorie afectate.
4.12. Atunci cand o parte semnificativa din serviciile de calatorie nu poate fi executata astfel cum s-a convenit in contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie, Wens Tour SRL va oferi, fara costuri suplimentare pentru calator, servicii alternative corespunzatoare pentru continuarea derularii contractului, pe cat posibil echivalente sau de mai buna calitate decat cele specificate in contract, inclusiv in cazul in care intoarcerea calatorului la locul de plecare nu este asigurata astfel cum s-a convenit. In cazul schimbarii cazarii, se considera a fi serviciu alternativ corespunzator pentru continuarea derularii pachetului oferirea cazarii in aceeasi localitate, in cea mai apropiata varianta fata de cea initiala.
4.13. In cazul in care serviciile alternative propuse, conform art. 4.11., au drept consecinta un pachet de o calitate mai scazuta decat cea specificata in contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie, Wens Tour SRL va acorda calatorului o reducere adecvata a pretului.
4.14. Calatorul poate respinge serviciile alternative propuse conform art. 4.11. doar in cazul in care acestea nu sunt comparabile cu ceea ce s-a convenit in contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie sau reducerea de pret acordata este inadecvata.
4.15. In cazul in care neconformitatea afecteaza in mod substantial executarea pachetului, iar Wens Tour SRL a omis sa o remedieze intr-un termen rezonabil stabilit de catre calator, acesta poate inceta contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie fara plata unei penalitati de incetare si, dupa caz, poate sa ceara, in conformitate cu art. 5.14.-5.16, reducerea pretului si/sau despagubiri
4.16. In masura in care este imposibil sa se asigure intoarcerea calatorului astfel cum s-a convenit in contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie din cauza unor circumstante inevitabile si extraordinare, Agentia va suporta costul cazarii necesare, pe cat posibil de categorie echivalenta, pentru o perioada care nu depaseste trei nopti pe calator.
4.17. Agentia acorda asistenta adecvata fara intarzieri nejustificate calatorului aflat in dificultate, inclusiv in circumstantele prevazute la art.4.15., in special prin:
a) furnizarea de informatii corespunzatoare privind serviciile de sanatate, autoritatile locale si asistenta consulara;
b) efectuarea comunicarilor la distanta si sprijinirea calatorului in gasirea unor servicii de calatorie alternative.
4.18. Agentia are posibilitatea de a pretinde un comision rezonabil pentru o astfel de asistenta in cazul in care calatorul este cel care a provocat situatia de dificultate in mod intentionat sau din propria neglijenta. Comisionul nu depaseste in niciun caz costurile efective suportate de Agentie.
4.19. In cazul in care agentia nu a indeplinit cerintele in materie de informare cu privire la comisioanele, tarifele, penalitatile de incetare sau alte costuri suplimentare, inainte de incheierea contractului privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie, calatorul nu va suporta respectivele comisioane, tarife, penalitati de incetare sau alte costuri.

5. Drepturile şi obligaţiile calatorului
5.1. In cazul in care calatorul nu poate sa participe la calatoria turistica independent de motivele care stau la baza imposibilitaţii de participare, calatorul poate transfera contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie unei persoane care indeplineste toate conditiile aplicabile contractului respectiv, dupa ce notifica Wens Tour SRL intr-un termen de minim 7 zile inainte de inceperea executarii pachetului, pe un suport durabil.
5.2. Persoana care transfera contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie si persoana careia ii este transferat contractul raspund in solidar pentru achitarea soldului si a tuturor comisioanelor, tarifelor si altor costuri suplimentare generate de acest transfer.
5.3. Agentia va informa persoana care transfera contractul cu privire la costurile efective ale transferului.
5.4. Agentia va prezenta persoanei care transfera contractul dovezi cu privire la costurile suplimentare, comisioanele sau alte costuri generate de transferarea contractului privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie.
5.5. In cazul sejururilor de odihna şi/sau de tratament cu locul de desfaşurare in Romania, calatorul are obligaţia sa respecte urmatorul program de acordare a serviciilor: cazarea se face, de regula, la ora 18,00 a zilei de intrare şi se termina, de regula, la ora 10,00 a zilei de ieşire inscrise pe documentele de calatorie (voucher, bilet de odihna şi/sau tratament, bilet de excursie etc.). Eventualele costuri suplimentare generate de neeliberarea spaţiilor de cazare pana cel tarziu la orele specificate mai sus cad in sarcina exclusiva a calatorului.
5.6. In cazul in care preţurile stabilite in contract sunt majorate cu peste 8%, indiferent de motivele majorarii, calatorul poate rezilia/denunţa unilateral contractul fara nicio obligaţie faţa de Agenţie, acesta avand dreptul la rambursarea imediata de catre Agenţie a sumelor platite, inclusiv comisionul.
5.7. Calatorul este obligat sa comunice optiunea sa Agenţiei, intr-un termen de 5 zile de la primirea inştiinţarii prevazute la cap. IV pct. 4.2.-4.3. privind modificarea prevederilor esenţiale ale contractului, putand opta pentru:
a) rezilierea/denunţarea unilaterala a contractului fara plata penalitaţilor; sau
b) acceptarea noilor condiţii ale contractului.
5.8. In cazul in care calatorul decide sa participe la calatoria asupra careia s-au operat modificari in condiţiile cap. IV pct. 4.2.-4.3. se considera ca toate modificarile au fost acceptate şi calatorul nu poate solicita despagubiri ulterioare datorate modificarilor de acest tip.
5.9. In cazul in care inceteaza contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie, calatorul poate accepta un alt pachet, atunci cand acesta este oferit de Agentie, daca este posibil, de o calitate echivalenta sau superioara.
5.10. Agentia va informa calatorul, fara intarzieri nejustificate si intr-un mod clar, inteligibil si bine evidentiat, pe un suport durabil, cu privire la:
a) modificarile propuse prevazute la art. 4.2.-4.3. si art. 4.7. si, dupa caz, si in conformitate cu art. 5.11. impactul acestora asupra pretului pachetului;
b) termenul in care calatorul trebuie sa informeze Agentia cu privire la decizia sa in temeiul art. 4.9;
c) consecintele lipsei reactiei calatorului in termenul prevazut la lit. b), cu respectarea prevederile legale in vigoare;
d) dupa caz, pachetul de substitutie oferit si pretul acestuia.
5.11. In cazul in care modificarile aduse contractului privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie prevazute la art. 4.2.-4.3. sau art. 4.7. au drept consecinta scaderea calitatii sau a costului pachetului, calatorul are dreptul la o reducere corespunzatoare a pretului.
5.12. In cazul in care contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie este incetat in temeiul art. 4.2-4.3. si calatorul nu accepta un alt pachet, Wens Tour SRL va rambursa toate platile efectuate de catre sau pe seama calatorului, fara intarzieri nejustificate si, in orice caz, nu mai tarziu de 14 zile de la data incetarii contractului, cu respectarea prevederilor privind reducerea pretului si acordarea de despagubiri.
5.13. In aplicarea art. 4.2.-4.3. se considera a fi modificare semnificativa inclusiv schimbarea locului de cazare. In acest caz se ofera calatorilor cea mai apropiata varianta din locatia respectiva de o calitate echivalenta sau superioara. Totodata, prin modificari semnificative se intelege schimbari importante aduse oricareia dintre principalele caracteristici ale serviciilor de calatorie:
• destinatia calatoriei, itinerariul si perioadele sejurului;
• mijloacele de transport, caracteristicile si categoriile acestora, locurile, datele si orele de plecare si de intoarcere, duratele si locurile opririlor intermediare si ale legaturilor de transport;
• locatia, principalele caracteristici si, dupa caz, categoria turistica a unitatilor de cazare conform normelor din tara de destinatie;
• serviciile de masa oferite;
• vizitele, excursiile sau alte servicii incluse in pretul total convenit al pachetului.
O modificare semnificativa este si imposibilitatea indeplinirii cerintelor speciale ale calatorului, pe care agentia de turism organizatoare le-a acceptat in prealabil.
5.14. Calatorul beneficiaza de o reducere corespunzatoare a pretului pentru orice perioada in care a existat o neconformitate, cu exceptia cazului in care Agentia dovedeste ca neconformitatea este imputabila calatorului.
5.15. Calatorul are dreptul sa primeasca despagubiri adecvate din partea Agentiei pentru orice daune pe care le sufera ca urmare a unei neconformitati. Despagubirea se acorda fara intarzieri nejustificate.
5.16. Calatorul nu are dreptul la despagubiri pentru daune in cazul in care Agentia dovedeste ca neconformitatea apare intr-una din urmatoarele situatii:
a) este imputabila calatorului;
b) este imputabila unei parti terte care nu are legatura cu furnizarea serviciilor de calatorie incluse in contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie si este imprevizibila sau inevitabila;
c) este cauzata de circumstante inevitabile si extraordinare.
5.17. Calatorul poate inceta contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie in orice moment inainte de inceperea executarii pachetului. In cazul in care calatorul inceteaza contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie, acesta poate fi obligat sa plateasca Agentiei o penalitate de incetare adecvata si justificabila.
5.18. In contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie pot fi prevazute penalitati de incetare standardizate rezonabile, in functie de momentul incetarii contractului inainte de inceperea executarii pachetului, precum si de economiile de costuri si de veniturile prevazute, generate de executarea alternativa a serviciilor de calatorie. In absenta unor penalitati de incetare standardizate, valoarea penalitatii de incetare corespunde pretului pachetului, din care se scad economiile de costuri si veniturile generate de executarea alternativa a serviciilor de calatorie. La cererea calatorului, Agentia va prezinta o justificare pentru cuantumul penalitatilor de incetare.
5.19. Prin exceptie de la art. 5.17., calatorul are dreptul sa inceteze contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie inainte de inceperea executarii pachetului, fara a plati vreo penalitate de incetare in cazul unor circumstante inevitabile si extraordinare care se produc la locul de destinatie sau in vecinatatea imediata a acestuia si care afecteaza in mod semnificativ executarea pachetului sau care afecteaza semnificativ transportul pasagerilor la destinatie.
5.20. In cazul incetarii contractului privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie, in conditiile art. 5.19, calatorul are dreptul la o rambursare completa a oricarei plati efectuate pentru pachet, dar nu are dreptul la vreo despagubire suplimentara.
5.21. Agentia poate inceta contractul privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie si poate oferi calatorului rambursarea completa a tuturor platilor efectuate pentru pachet, dar nu este raspunzatoare pentru plata unor despagubiri suplimentare, in unul dintre urmatoarele cazuri:
a) numarul de persoane inscrise pentru participarea la pachetul respectiv este mai mic decat numarul minim stabilit in contract, iar Agentia il instiinteaza pe calator cu privire la incetarea contractului in termenul stabilit in contract, dar nu mai tarziu de:
(i) 20 de zile inainte de inceperea executarii pachetului, in cazul calatoriilor care dureaza mai mult de sase zile;
(ii) sapte zile inainte de inceperea executarii pachetului, in cazul calatoriilor care dureaza intre doua si sase zile;
(iii) 48 de ore inainte de inceperea executarii pachetului, in cazul calatoriilor care dureaza mai putin de doua zile;
b) Agentia nu poate executa contractul din cauza unor circumstante inevitabile si extraordinare si instiinteaza calatorul cu privire la incetarea contractului, fara intarziere si inainte de inceperea executarii pachetului.
5.22. Agentia va efectua orice rambursare necesara in temeiul art. 5.19 – 5.21. sau, dupa caz, conform art. 5.17., va rambursa orice plati efectuate de catre sau pe seama calatorului pentru pachetul respectiv, din care se va scadea penalitatea de incetare corespunzatoare. Aceste restituiri sau rambursari se vor efectua catre calator fara intarzieri nejustificate si, in orice caz, nu mai tarziu de 14 zile de la incetarea contractului privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie.
5.23. Calatorul are dreptul sa rezilieze/denunţe unilateral in orice moment, in tot sau in parte, contractul, iar in cazul in care rezilierea/denunţarea unilaterala ii este imputabila este obligat sa despagubeasca Agenţia pentru prejudiciul creat acesteia, conform prevederilor cap. VI, cu excepţia cazurilor de forţa majora definite conform legii. Despagubirea se poate ridica la maximul preţului pachetului de servicii turistice contractat.
5.24. In cazul in care calatorul alege sa se mute la un alt hotel decat cel contractat iniţial şi achitat, responsabilitatea financiara a renunţarii ii aparţine. Agenţia va rezolva cerinţele calatorului in limita posibilitaţilor, eventualele diferenţe de preţ urmand a fi suportate de catre calator.
Daca calatorul solicita nemotivat schimbarea hotelului, structurii camerelor sau a oricarora dintre servicii, aceasta echivaleaza cu rezilierea/denunţarea unilaterala a contractului, cu aplicarea penalitaţilor prevazute la cap. VI la momentul respectiv şi incheierea unui nou contract.
5.25. Calatorul este obligat sa achite la recepţia unitaţii hoteliere taxa de staţiune, taxa de salubritate, precum şi alte taxe locale, fara a putea pretinde despagubiri sau returnarea sumelor de la Agenţie.
5.26. Calatorul este obligat sa prezinte la recepţia unitaţii hoteliere actele sale de identitate, precum şi documentul de calatorie eliberat de Agenţie (voucher, bilet de odihna şi/sau de tratament etc.), in vederea acordarii serviciilor turistice. In cazul in care calatorul beneficiaza de bilete de odihna şi tratament, este obligat sa prezinte la recepţia unitaţii hoteliere bilet de trimitere de la medicul de familie şi dovada plaţii contribuţiilor pentru asigurari sociale, la zi.
5.27. Calatorul ia la cunoştinţa ca serviciile pe care le achiziţioneaza fara ca acestea sa faca parte din contractul cu agenţia de turism sunt in stricta responsabilitate a prestatorului local, sunt guvernate de legislaţia ţarii de destinaţie, iar agenţia de turism nu are nicio responsabilitate asupra prestaţiilor in cauza.
5.28. Daca pentru efectuarea calatoriei este necesara indeplinirea de catre calator a unor formalitaţi suplimentare (de exemplu, calatoria impreuna cu minori, situaţia in care numele calatorului este schimbat ca urmare a casatoriei/desfacerii ei etc.), acesta are obligaţia de a indeplini toate cerinţele legale. Pentru o informare optima, Agenţia recomanda şi consultarea site-ului Poliţiei de Frontiera. In cazul in care calatorul nu işi respecta obligaţia de a se informa cu privire la formalitaţile suplimentare necesare in vederea efectuarii calatoriei care nu sunt in sarcina Agenţiei (de exemplu, in cazul calatoriei cu minori, imputernicire din partea parintelui sau reprezentantului legal ce nu il insoţeşte sau orice alte documente suplimentare – enumerarea fiind exemplificativa), Agenţia este exonerata de orice raspundere in cazul imposibilitaţii efectuarii calatoriei.
5.29. Agenţia de turism recomanda calatorilor contactarea acesteia cu 24 de ore inainte de plecare pentru reconfirmarea detaliilor de imbarcare (orar de zbor, loc de imbarcare etc.).
5.30. In cazul in care o singura persoana angajeaza servicii pentru un numar mai mare de calatori, condiţiile contractuale se extind in mod automat asupra intregului grup pentru care au fost achitate serviciile.
5.31. Calatorul este obligat sa foloseasca mijloacele de transport, camera de hotel şi bunurile din dotarea acesteia ca un bun proprietar şi potrivit destinaţiei lor. Agenţia nu se face vinovata de eventualele pagube produse sau vatamari suferite de calator ca urmare a nerespectarii acestui alineat.
5.32. Calatorul are obligaţia sa respecte locul, data şi ora plecarii atat la dus, cat şi la intors, precum şi locurile, datele şi orele stabilite pe parcursul programului turistic contractat. Toate cheltuielile şi daunele produse ca urmare a nerespectarii de catre calator a prevederilor privind locurile de intalnire şi orarele vor fi suportate de catre acesta.
5.33. In cazul in care calatorul care a intrat pe teritoriul statului in care se realizeaza pachetul de servicii turistice refuza sa se mai intoarca in Romania şi autoritaţile din ţara respectiva fac cheltuieli de orice natura cu acesta, calatorul respectiv are obligaţia de a suporta toate aceste cheltuieli.
5.34. Pentru minorii neinsotiti, se vor oferi informatii Agentiei, care sa permita contactul acesteia din urma direct cu minorul sau cu persoana responsabila de acesta.

6. Renunţari, penalizari, despagubiri
6.1. In cazul in care calatorul renunţa din vina sa la pachetul de servicii turistice care face obiectul prezentului contract, el datoreaza Agenţiei penalizari dupa cum urmeaza:
6.1.1. In cazul serviciilor turistice externe, penalizarile sunt de:
a) 50% din preţul pachetului de servicii, daca renunţarea se face cu mai mult de 30 zile calendaristice inainte de data plecarii;
b) 80% din preţul pachetului de servicii, daca renunţarea se face in intervalul de 16-29 zile calendaristice inainte de data plecarii;
c) 100% din preţul pachetului de servicii, daca renunţarea se face intr-un interval mai mic de 16 zile calendaristice inainte de plecare sau prin neprezentarea la program;
d) 100% din preţul pachetului de servicii, in cazul in care calatorul a achiziţionat pachetul de servicii turistice din cadrul programelor speciale de tip Early Booking, Black Friday, Last minute, sau alte programe similare indiferent de data la care calatorul solicita renunţarea.
6.1.2. In cazul serviciilor turistice interne, penalizarile sunt de:
a) 50% din preţul pachetului de servicii, daca renunţarea se face cu mai mult de 30 zile calendaristice inainte de data plecarii;
b) 80% din preţul pachetului de servicii, daca renunţarea se face in intervalul de 16-29 zile calendaristice inainte de data plecarii;
c) 100% din preţul pachetului de servicii, daca renunţarea se face intr-un interval mai mic de 16 zile calendaristice inainte de plecare sau prin neprezentarea la program;
d) 100% din preţul pachetului de servicii, in cazul in care calatorul a achiziţionat pachetul de servicii turistice din cadrul programelor speciale de tip Early Booking, Black Friday, Last minute, sau alte programe similare indiferent de data la care calatorul solicita renunţarea.
6.2. In cazul in care calatorul care a contractat un pachet de servicii turistice cu Agenţia şi a achitat un avans nu se prezinta in termenul comunicat in scris, pentru a achita ratele aferente sau restul de plata, contractul se considera reziliat de drept, iar Agenţia are dreptul de a anula rezervarile efectuate in beneficiul calatorului cu reţinerea penalizarilor prevazute la pct. 6.1.
6.3. Pentru biletele de odihna şi/sau de tratament cumparate prin organizaţii sindicale, Agenţia va face restituiri numai in baza cererilor de renunţare contrasemnate şi ştampilate de reprezentantul organizaţiei sindicale.
6.4. In cazul in care o ambasada refuza sa acorde viza de intrare pentru efectuarea pachetului de servicii, calatorului i se vor reţine toate taxele datorate de Agenţie prestatorilor direcţi, precum şi cheltuielile de operare proprii acesteia.
6.5. Penalizarile echivalente cu cele indicate la pct. 6.1.1 lit. c) sau d), respectiv 6.1.2 lit. b) sau c) se aplica şi in cazul in care calatorul nu ajunge la timp la aeroport sau la locul de plecare/destinaţie, daca nu poate pleca in calatorie pentru ca documentele personale necesare in vederea efectuarii calatoriei nu sunt conforme normelor legale sau este in imposibilitatea de a parasi teritoriului ţarii, din alte motive ce ţin de persoana acestuia.
6.6. Calatorul trebuie sa depuna in scris cererea de renunţare la pachetul de servicii turistice la Agenţia la care a achitat serviciile. In caz contrar, cererea de renunţare nu este luata in considerare.
6.7. Agenţia va acorda despagubiri in funcţie de gradul de nerespectare a obligaţiilor din contract.
6.8. Agenţia nu raspunde in situaţii de greva, conflicte politice şi de razboi, catastrofe, de pericol public, atac terorist, embargou internaţional, precum şi in cazul in care companiile aeriene stabilesc limite de raspundere. Toate aceste situaţii care nu sunt imputabile niciunei parţi se considera situaţii de forţa majora şi exonereaza de raspundere Agenţia.
6.9. Toate sumele menţionate la pct. 6.1, 6.2, 6.4 şi 6.5 se vor reţine de catre Agenţie din avansul sau preţul total al pachetului de servicii turistice achitat de calator, fara a fi necesara intervenţia instanţelor de judecata.

7. Reclamaţii
7.1. In cazul in care calatorul este nemulţumit de serviciile turistice primite, acesta are obligaţia de a intocmi o sesizare in scris la faţa locului, clar şi explicit, cu privire la deficienţele constatate, legate de realizarea pachetului de servicii turistice contractat, ce se va transmite prompt atat reprezentantului Agenţiei, cat şi prestatorului de servicii turistice (conducerii hotelului, restaurantului, reprezentanţilor locali ai turoperatorului).
Datele de contact ale Agenţiei Wens Tour SRL sunt:
Telefon: 0264590748
Fax: 0264595755
7.2. Atat Agenţia, cat şi prestatorul de servicii turistice vor acţiona imediat pentru soluţionarea sesizarii. In cazul in care sesizarea nu este soluţionata sau este soluţionata parţial, calatorul va depune la sediul Agenţiei o reclamaţie in scris, in termen de maximum 5 zile calendaristice de la incheierea calatoriei, Agenţia urmand ca, in termen de 30 de zile calendaristice, sa comunice calatorului despagubirile care i se cuvin, dupa caz.

8. Asigurari
8.1. The traveler is insured for reimbursement of repatriation expenses and/or the amounts paid by him, in case of insolvency or bankruptcy of the Agency, at the Insurance Company with its registered office in, str. nr., telephone, fax, email The insurance policy no., is displayed on the website of the travel agency Wens Tour SRL (with the address indication Website:
8.2. The conditions under which the passenger will be indemnified by the insurance company are:
8.2.1. If the Agency does not carry out the return of the traveler, he is obliged to immediately notify the insurance company by phone, fax or e-mail. In this situation, the insurance company is not obliged to pay the equivalent of the repatriation expenses immediately, but to reimburse them after the traveler returns to Romania, under the conditions of the insurance policy concluded between the Agency and the insurance company.
8.2.2. If the traveller requests the Agency for the consideration of the amounts paid and/or repatriation costs, he must send the supporting documents to the Agency by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The passenger is obliged to keep photocopies of the relevant supporting documents. The traveler may request reimbursement of the amounts paid and/or repatriation expenses from the Agency within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of completion of the tour package or the date of repatriation.
8.2.3. The traveller has the obligation to notify the insurance company, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, in connection with the request addressed to the Agency for reimbursement of the amounts paid and/or repatriation expenses, within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of the confirmation of receipt referred to in paragraph 1. 8.2.2.
8.2.4. If, within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of confirmation of receipt of the supporting documents by the Agency, the traveler has not received the amounts requested from it, the insured event takes place.
8.2.5. Within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of occurrence of the insured event, the traveler is obliged to submit to the insurance company, by registered letter with confirmation of receipt, the claim for compensation accompanied by supporting documents.
8.2.6. The supporting documents consist mainly of:
a) the contract for the sale of the package of tourist services;
(b) the acknowledgements of receipt specified in item 2. 8.2.2, 8.2.3 and 8.2.5;
c) photocopies of advance payment documents (receipts, payment orders, etc.), in the case of requests for reimbursement of the amounts paid by the traveler;
d) photocopies of transport and accommodation documents, in the case of requests for reimbursement of repatriation costs. The insurance company has the right to ask the traveler and other supporting documents.
8.2.7. Compensation may not exceed the amount paid by the traveler in the contract of sale of the package of tourist services and the amounts necessary for its repatriation, in compliance with the legal provisions in force.
8.2.8. Compensation will be paid within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt by the insurance company of the supporting documents from the traveler.
8.2.9. If, after payment of the compensation, the Agency pays the debit to the passenger, he is obliged to reimburse the insurer the compensation received, within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt from the Agency of the amounts representing the debit.
8/2/10. Optionally, the traveller has the possibility to conclude an insurance contract covering transfer fees, or an assistance contract covering repatriation fees in the event of accident, illness or death, a baggage insurance contract, an insurance contract for medical services at the destination or cancellation insurance or other types of insurance travel. The Agency recommends taking out a cancellation insurance policy to cover possible cancellation penalties. The traveler can inform the agencies about the cases covered by the cancellation insurance, this can be concluded at the travel agency where he purchased the package of tourist services, if the Agency offers this type of service.
8.3. The Agency is not guilty of any non-compliance with the obligations stipulated in the insurance policies contracted through the Agency, since it is only an intermediary between the traveler and the insurer.

9. The documents of the contract shall be constituted as an annex thereto and shall be as follows:
a) voucher, rest/treatment ticket, excursion ticket, order voucher, as appropriate;
b) the tourist program, in the case of tourist actions;
c) catalogues/leaflets/offers/other documents/etc. of the Agency made available to the traveller, in printed or electronic form.

10. Termination of the contract for the package of travel services and the right of withdrawal before the start of the execution of the package
10.1. The passenger may terminate the contract on the package of travel services at any time before the start of the execution of the package. If the traveller terminates the contract on the package of travel services, he may be obliged to pay the organising travel agency an appropriate and justifiable termination penalty in accordance with Art. 5:17 a.m.
10.2. The contract for the package of travel services may provide for reasonable standardized termination penalties, depending on the time of termination of the contract before the start of the performance of the package, as well as the anticipated cost and revenue savings generated by the alternative performance of the travel services. In the absence of standardised termination penalties, the amount of the termination penalty corresponds to the price of the package, from which the cost savings and revenues generated by the alternative provision of travel services are deducted. At the request of the traveller, the Agency shall provide a justification for the amount of the termination penalty.
10.3. By way of exception to Art. 10.1., the traveler has the right to terminate the contract for the package of travel services before the start of the execution of the package, without paying any termination penalty in the event of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances that occur at the place of destination or in its immediate vicinity and which significantly affect the performance of the package or significantly affect the performance of the package Transportation of passengers to their destination.
10.4. In case of termination of the contract on the package of travel services, under the conditions of art. 10.3. The passenger is entitled to a full refund of any payment made for the package, but is not entitled to any additional compensation.
10.5. Under the conditions provided for in Art. 5:21 a.m.
10.6. The Agency shall make any reimbursement necessary pursuant to art. 10.3. — 10.5. or, as appropriate, in accordance with art. 10.1., reimburse any payments made by or at the expense of the passenger for the package in question, from which the corresponding termination penalty is deducted. Such refunds or refunds shall be made to the traveller without undue delay and, in any case, not later than 14 days after the termination of the travel package contract.
10.7. The contract is legally terminated upon completion of the actual provision of the package of tourist services entered in the travel documents.

11. Final provisions
11.1. This contract was concluded in two copies, one for each party.
11.2. The marketing of travel service packages and associated travel services will be made in accordance with the provisions of this contract and in compliance with the provisions of Government Ordinance no. 2/2018, republished.
11.3. All accommodation units as well as means of transport are classified by the competent bodies of the countries of destination, according to internal procedures and local regulations, where they exist, which differ from country to country and from one type of destination to another.
11.4. The traveler declares that the Travel Agency has fully informed him about the marketing conditions of travel packages and associated travel services, in accordance with the provisions of Government Ordinance no. 2/2018. By signing this contract or accepting packages of tourist services, including those purchased remotely by electronic means, the traveler expresses his agreement and knowledge of the general conditions for the sale of tourist packages, in accordance with the offer of the travel agency.
11.5. Disputes arising between the parties shall be resolved amicably, otherwise the parties agree to apply to the competent courts of Cluj Napoca.
11.6. The contract will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Romania.

12. Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure (ADR)
12.1. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an alternative judicial mechanism by which consumers are given the opportunity to resolve disputes they may have with traders when faced with a problem related to the purchase of a product or service.
Thus, complaints against traders are submitted voluntarily by consumers and will be resolved in an independent, impartial, transparent, prompt and fair manner.
12.2. The Alternative Dispute Resolution Directorate (ADR Directorate) of the National Consumer Protection Authority (“ANPC”), has the competence to resolve alternatively national and cross-border disputes arising from sales contracts or service contracts concluded with a trader operating in Romania, in the sectors of activity in which ANPC operates is competence.
12.3. ADR application application, ADR advisor list, ADR procedure and applicable legislation can be consulted here.

I'm 13. Processing of personal data
13.1. Personal data processed by the Agency
Processing of personal data is any operation or set of operations that is carried out on your personal data, by automatic or non-automatic means, such as: collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting or modifying, extracting, consulting, using, transmitting, disseminating or making available in any other way aligning or combining, restricting, blocking, archiving, deleting or destroying data.
In the context of booking, intermediation, offering and marketing of travel services and/or packages of travel services, other tourist services, cultural/sporting or other events, leisure services or business trips marketed by the AGENCY, and maintaining/developing commercial/contractual relationships with you, we may request certain personal data from you personnel.
In this regard, the AGENCY may process, among other things, the following personal data: name, surname, telephone number, home address, e-mail address, serial number and ID card number, serial number and passport number, CNP, date of birth, age of children, place of work, company name (if applicable), VAT registration number (if applicable).
13.2. Data subjects
The data subjects, whose data may be processed by the AGENCY, exclusively for the purpose mentioned below are you, as travelers/tourists/beneficiaries of travel or tourist services, representatives/authorities/business contacts (business or contractual partners, etc.) within companies or institutions/public authorities.
13.3. Purposes of the collection of personal data
We process your personal data only for the following purposes:
• Booking, brokering, offering and/or marketing services and/or packages of travel services, other tourist services, cultural/sporting or other events, leisure services or business trips, performance of contracts — respectively, in order to fulfill the contractual obligations we assume towards you. ;
• In order to fulfill the legal obligations established by us.
13.4. The Agency will consider all information collected from you to be confidential and will not share it with third parties (except tour operators, accommodation units, carriers, other natural and/or legal persons involved in the provision of services and/or packages of travel services, other tourist services, cultural/sporting events or other nature, consent services business trips or trips booked or purchased by you or the Agency's business partners, including external partners the European Union, if without sharing your data you would not be able to benefit from all these services mentioned above) without your express and prior consent.
13.5. Recipients of your personal data
Recipients of data means any natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body (to whom) your personal data is disclosed, such as those specified below, but not limited to: tour operators, accommodation units, carriers, other natural and/or legal persons involved in the provision of services and/or service packages travel, other tourist services, cultural/sporting or other events, leisure or business travel services, public authorities central and local authorities, judicial authorities, police, prosecutor's office (within the limits of legal provisions and/or as a result of well-founded and expressly formulated requests), etc.
The confidentiality of personal data will be ensured by the AGENCY and will not be provided to third parties other than those mentioned in this document.
13.6. Duration of processing of personal data
In order to achieve the stated purpose, the AGENCY will process your personal data for the entire period of carrying out the Agency's activities, until the moment when you or your legal/authorized representative, exercise the right of opposition/erasure (unless the Agency processes the data on the basis of a legal obligation or justifying a legitimate interest). After the completion of the personal data processing operations, for the purpose for which they were collected, if you or the legal representative/authorized representative do not exercise the right of opposition/erasure, according to the law, these data will be archived by the AGENCY for the period provided for in the internal procedures of the AGENCY and/or will be destroyed.
13.7. Rights of data subjects
In relation to the AGENCY, you are entitled to the following rights in accordance with the applicable legal provisions: the right to be informed, the right to access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure of data, the right to restriction of processing, the right to data portability, the right to object and the automated individual decision-making process, including the creation of profiles.
The right to be informed means that you have the right to be informed about how your data is processed and the reason for the processing.
The right of access means that you have the right to obtain confirmation from us that we are processing or not the personal data concerning you and, if so, access to that data and information on how the data is processed.
The right to data portability refers to the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used and automatically readable format and the right to have this data transmitted directly to another controller, if this is technically possible.
The right to object protects the right to object to the processing of personal data when the processing is necessary for the performance of a task that serves a public interest or when it concerns a legitimate interest of the controller. Where the processing of personal data is for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object to the processing at any time, free of charge and without any justification, using, if applicable, the unsubscribe function included in the marketing materials.
The right to rectification refers to the correction, without undue delay, of inaccurate personal data. The rectification will be communicated to each recipient to whom the data has been transmitted, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.
The right to erasure of data (“the right to be forgotten”) means that you have the right to request that we delete your personal data, without undue delay, if one of the following reasons applies: they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed; you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for processing; you object to the processing and there are no legitimate grounds that prevail; personal data have been processed unlawfully; personal data personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation; personal data have been collected in connection with the provision of information society services.
The right to restriction of processing can be exercised if the person disputes the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows us to verify the correctness of the data; the processing is illegal and the person objects to the erasure of the personal data, requesting the restriction instead; if the AGENCY no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but the person requests them for ascertainment exercise or defence of a right in court; if the person has objected to the processing for the period of the period during which it is verified whether the legitimate rights of the controller prevail over those of the person concerned.
Rights related to automated individual decision-making, including profiling. The data subject has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning the data subject or similarly affects him to a significant extent. The above provisions shall not apply if the decision:
1. is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between the data subject and a data controller;
2. is authorised by Union or national law applicable to the controller and which also provides for appropriate measures to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the data subject; or
3. is based on the explicit consent of the data subject.
In the event that you, directly or through a representative, exercise the rights mentioned above in an unfounded, unjustified or excessive manner, in particular because of their repetitive nature, the AGENCY may:
• to charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing information or communication, or for taking the required measures;
• refuse to comply with the request.
You are also granted the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and to bring a judicial remedy. For this purpose, in Romania, the supervisory authority is: www.
13.8. Exercise of your rights
For the exercise of these rights, you can address the Agency by submitting a written, dated and signed application to the address: Str. Republicii, no.10, 4000015, Cluj Napoca or by sending an e-mail to
13 Sept. By signing this Agreement, you acknowledge that you have read, been informed (a) correctly, completely, have become aware of the contents of this document, fully understand it and agree to:
- the fact that the processing of personal data, as specified in the legislation in force and herein, will be carried out for the purpose of booking, intermediation, offering and/or marketing of travel services and/or packages of travel services, other tourist services, the holding of cultural/sporting or other events, leisure services or business trips;
— the fact that the Agency will process your personal data only to the extent necessary for the purpose stated in this document, in compliance with the legal measures of data security and confidentiality.
For details on the processing of personal data by the AGENCY you can visit the website, section Privacy Policy.
13.10 PARENTAL CONSENT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA OF MINORS (to be completed only if there are minors — indirect beneficiaries of the contracted services)
The undersigned (a),..., (name — surname: parent/legal representative/authorized representative of legal representatives), as... (parent/legal representative/authorized representative of legal representatives) of the minor (s)... aged... years, hereby consent in his or her name (s) that the AGENCY may process the personal data related to the name and age of the minor (s), series and number of passport/identity card, for the purpose of reservation/marketing of tourist packages/air tickets of which the direct or indirect beneficiary will be the minor.
By signing this contract I confirm that I have read, been informed (a) correctly, completely, have become aware of and fully understand the rights that I enjoy regarding the protection of both my personal data and the protection of personal data of minors.
The emergency telephone number that allows the traveler to contact the Agency quickly and efficiently is 0264590748/6/9.

Agency, Traveller,

Name Name

Representative Surname